Example Stories


Chartres Cathedral
This is a video about the majestic Chartres Cathedral, its history and the stories etched in the walls and windows of the cathedral.
Geometry: Art & Architecture
This digital story explains how using the van Hiele Levels of geometric understanding can help improve student achievement by teaching geometry through everyday art and architecture
This video reminds us of how Shakespeare' Macbeth explores the dark forces of the human mind.
The Crystal Palace
The detailed engineering architecture and art of the Crystal Palace are presented in this video.
My Artwork
A personal reflection on the process involved in making a variety of artwork.
A Journey to Discovery
A search for identity through exploring culture and artistic inspiration.
Eiffel's Towers
Discover the two towers that Alexandre Gustave Eiffel built. The video showcases the two radically different aesthetics aims in the two towers that Eiffel designed and created
A look at the evolution of print media.
The Legacy
Examining the past, externalizing the present, and contributing to the future through art.
Arts Based Education
The story tries to refocus and re-enlighten the need for arts in education not as a contribution to other fields but as a core that contributes to human life through the example of the A+ Academy in Houston.
How Pop-ups Got their Pop
This digital story presents the history of paper engineering, more commonly called popup books, including some of the science behind this technology-based art form.
The Painting Process
Learn about the process of painting and what happens after the painting is finished
Street Art
Where do you go looking for art? Art is everywhere!
Visual Literacy
Visual literacy: what it means and why developing visual literacy skills is needed to evaluate images with a critical eye.
Behind the Lens
A digital story about finding a passion with photography.
Art as a Way of Thinking
In this video the author takes a stance against the removal of arts in education and provides arguments and reasons in support of reinstating art in the curriculum.
Portrait of Dr. Gachet: My Story vs. van Gogh's Story
The story is about the perspective of the author towards the portrait of Dr. Gachet by Vincent van Gogh. She also discusses the relationship between the paintings and illness of Vincent van Gogh.
Me and Coaching Story
This video is about overcoming the fear of moving forward through coaching and moral support.
Urban Art vs. Vandalism
Explores whether graffiti/street art is considered vandalism which defaces the community or an art form of that reflects part of the culture of the community.