Portrait of Dr. Gachet: My Story vs. van Gogh's Story
by Amy McClurd 2013
The story is about the perspective of the author towards the portrait of Dr. Gachet by Vincent van Gogh. She also discusses the relationship between the paintings and illness of Vincent van Gogh.
Digital Story File
Educational Materials
Art Tells a Story
Martha Holden Jennings Foundation Language Arts Teacher Guide from the Toledo Museum of Art presents the literary concepts of plot, theme, character, point of view, and setting as shown in works of art. This guide is written for teachers who may not have taught art but would like to incorporate art into their classrooms.
Art That Tells a Story
Art-based activity from PBS
Lesson: Does art have to tell a story?
Lesson from Walker Art Center
Lesson: Reading Stories in Art
Abduction of Europa
from the J. Paul Getty Museum
Lesson: Telling Stories in Art: Symbols of a Life
Lesson plan from the J. Paul Getty Museum
Lesson: Telling Stories in Art: Witness to a Brawl
Lesson Plan from the J. Paul Getty Museum Education Department
Resource: Does Art Have To Tell A Story?
From the Walker Art Center
Resource: Telling Stories in Art: Symbols of a Life
Resource from the J. Paul Getty Museum
Resource: Telling Stories in Art: Witness to a Brawl
Resource from the J. Paul Getty Museum
Resource: The Abduction of Europa
from the J. Paul Getty Museum
Using Art to Inspire Storytelling
Narrated PowerPoint describing the digital story project, The Portrait of Dr. Gachet: My Story vs. van Goghs Story.
Using Art to Inspire Storytelling (Video)
Video version of narrated PowerPoint describing the digital story project, The Portrait of Dr. Gachet: My Story vs. van Goghs Story.
Embed Code (Copy and Paste)
<iframe width=640 height=480 frameborder=0 src=http://digitalstorytelling.coe.uh.edu/ds/dsembed.cfm?vid=404&w=640&h=480>
Art Health/Medical Personal Reflection
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