Example Stories
Language Arts
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The Path I Chose to Teach English Pronunciation
The story highlights why the traditional way of teaching English pronunciation, listening to an audio recording and repeating after the example, do not always work as expected, and to bring to light the similarity between singing and speaking a foreign language and how our mother tongue influences the way we speak another language.
The Most Dangerous Game
This digital story uses one of Richard Connell's famous short stories, "The Most Dangerous Game" to provide ELA teachers with an alternative method for covering stories and testing reading comprehension as well as assessing whether students are developing a clear understanding of how literary elements are used in stories.
Crucibles in Action
The main topic of this digital story is McCarthyism and its connection to The Crucible, a 1953 play by the American playwright Arthur Miller. It was created to help students understand and explain the connection between Miller's play and the period in American history when Senator Joseph McCarthy's hunt for communist infiltrators in the federal government.